Terms of use

Please read these Terms of Service (“Terms”, “Terms of Use”) carefully before using our Service (“Company” “us”, “we”, or “our”).

General and technical questions:

This Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is an offer by Choko.Link (hereinafter referred to as the Administration), and is addressed to any capable person (hereinafter referred to as the User) on the conditions set forth below. Sign up in a special form located at: https://chokolink.chkl.ink/register is an unconditional and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) by the User of the Terms of Use.

Term “services” means service, provided through the web-service Choko.Link with the appropriate functionality (the ability to create an “site”, the use of a widget with direct buttons to go into instant messengers but not limited to this).

Your access to and use of the Site/Services/App is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users who access or use the Site/Services/App and Services.

By accessing or using the Site/Services/App you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you have not access the Site/Services.

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify or replace any of these Terms of Use, or change, suspend, or discontinue the access to the Site/Services/App (including without limitation, the availability of any feature, database, or content) at any time by posting a notice through the Site/Services/App, via e-mail or by another appropriate means of electronic communication. We may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict user access to parts or all of Site/Services/App without notice or liability. You agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your access to the Site/Services/App. And you acknowledge and agree that failure to comply with these Terms of Use, or making false representations, may result in the termination/block of your User account and/or the Services provided to you, with or without notice to you, and without any refund of amounts paid on account of any our Services.

While we will timely provide notice of modifications, it is also your responsibility to check these Terms of Service periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Site/Services/App following notification of any changes to these Terms of Use constitutes acceptance of those changes, which will apply to your continued use of the Site/Services/App going forward. Your use of the Site/Services/App is subject to the Terms of Use in effect at the time of such use. This version of the Terms of Use is January 4, 2024.

Payment for the Service

The use of the platform is conditionally free. The use of the platform's paid features is subject to a fee and requires an upfront payment covering the next subscription period. If you have chosen any paid tariff plan and provided your card payment details, the amount corresponding to the chosen tariff plan will be automatically charged to your card account before the end of the current subscription period.

Payment will be made until you cancel your subscription using your personal account on the platform. After canceling your subscription, you will not have access to the platform's paid features.

The cost of the paid plan can be viewed in your personal account on the website https://Choko.Link in the plans section.

Subscription terms and conditions are subject to change. Carefully study the information provided in your personal account and follow the news in the Telegram channel.


You represent and warrant that you have reached the age from which you are entitled to use the Site/Services in your country of residence/nationality, but at least you must reach the age of 16 years. If you have not reached this age, please, don’t use the Site/Services/App. Further, you may not access or use the Site/Services/App if your access or use of the Site/Services/App is prohibited or conflicts with any applicable local, state, national or international laws and regulations. You must notify us immediately of any change in your eligibility to use the Site/Services/App.

Notices and Restrictions

The Site/Services may contain Content specifically provided by us, or our partners. Such Content is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, trade secrets or other proprietary rights and laws. Except as expressly authorized by us, you agree not to modify, copy, frame, scrape, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on such Content, in whole or in part. You shall abide by and maintain all copyright notices, information, and restrictions contained in any Content accessed through the site.

Rules of Conduct

As a condition of use, you promise not to use the Site/Services for any purpose that is prohibited by these Terms of Service.

You shall not:

  • take any action that imposes or may impose (as determined by us in our sole discretion) an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our (or our third party providers’) infrastructure;
  • interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site/Services/App or any activities conducted on the Site/Services/App;
  • bypass, circumvent or attempt to bypass or circumvent any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Site/Services/App (or other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Site/Services/App);
  • run any form of auto-responder or “spam” on the Site/Services/App;
  • use manual or automated software, devices, or other processes to “crawl” or “spider” any page of the Site/Services/App;
  • harvest or scrape any content or personal data from the Site/Services/App;
  • otherwise take any action in violation of our guidelines and policies. use software viruses or any other computer codes, files, or programs that are designed or intended to disrupt, damage, limit or interfere with the proper function of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment or to damage or obtain unauthorized access to any system, data, password or other information of ours or of any third party;
  • post and/or distribute pornographic materials, as well as propaganda of pornography and child erotica, and advertising/offers prostitution/intimate services/intimate escort service using the opportunities provided by the Site/Services/App;
  • distribute any other prohibited information, including information that is harmful to the health and/or progress of children, including extremist materials, as well as those aimed at infringing human rights and freedoms on the basis of race and nationality, religion, language, and gender, inciting to commit violent acts against a person, or to inhuman treatment of animals, calling for the commission of other unlawful acts, including explaining the procedure for the manufacture and use of weapons, narcotic drugs and their precursors, etc. using the opportunities provided by the Site/Services/App;
  • offer for sale goods or services that violate the laws of the country in which the activity is carried out. The service has the right to refuse service without explanation;
  • use the Site/Platform/App for phishing and fraudulent purposes;
  • post and/or distribute links to various offline or online casino sites using the opportunities provided by the Site/Services/App;
  • perform other illegal actions, including gaining unauthorized access to confidential information, its distribution, illegal access to computer information, use and distribution of malicious computer programs;
  • use the Site/Services/App in the following regions: Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, and Crimea.

You shall not (directly or indirectly):

  • decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to derive any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of any part of the Site/Services (including without limitation any application), except to the limited extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction;
  • modify, translate, or otherwise create derivative works of any part of the Services;
  • engage in or use any data mining, robots, scraping, or similar data gathering or extraction methods;
  • copy, rent, lease, distribute, or otherwise transfer any of the rights that you receive hereunder.


The Site/Services/App name and logos are trademarks and service or brand identifier’s marks of Service. Nothing in this Terms of Use or the Site/Services/App should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any of our Trademarks displayed on the Site/Services/App, without our prior written permission in each instance. All goodwill generated from the use of o our Trademarks will inure to our exclusive benefit.


The access to the Site/Services/App is provided “as is”, “as available” but we do our best and taking all reasonably possible technical and legal measures to ensure that your use of our site is safe and to ensure the safety and legal use of the information that you provide.

We are not responsible for the criminal, unlawful, negligent actions or inactivity of any third parties associated with the use of the Site/Services/App, in whatsoever such actions would be.

In the event of a court case, it will be considered under the current legislation of Ukraine in the relevant court for the observance of jurisdiction.

If any provision of these Terms of Service is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that these Terms of Service will otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. The failure of either party to exercise in any respect any right provided for herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder. Our failure to enforce any part of these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of our right to later enforce that or any other part of these Terms of Service. Waiver of compliance in any particular instance does not mean that we will waive compliance in the future. In order for any waiver of compliance with these Terms of Service to be binding, we must provide you with written notice of such waiver through one of our authorized representatives.

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will Administration be liable to you on any legal theory for any incidental, direct, indirect, punitive, actual, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages, including without limitation, loss of revenue or income, lost profits, pain, and suffering, emotional distress, cost of substitute goods or services, or similar damages suffered or incurred by you or any third party that arises in connection with the services (or the termination thereof for any reason), even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Administration is not responsible or liable whatsoever in any manner for any content posted on or available through the services (including claims of infringement relating to that content), for your use of the services, or for the conduct of third parties on or through the services.

Force Majeure

We shall not be liable for any failure to perform our obligations hereunder where such failure results from any cause beyond our reasonable control


These Terms of Use are personal to you and are not assignable, transferable or sublicensable by you except with our prior written consent. We may assign, transfer or delegate any of our rights and obligations hereunder without consent.


We provide 14 day money back on customer demand. This rule only applies for the first subscription payment. Further subscription payments are non-refundable. To get your refund – contact our support team or send us e-mail to .

In case of suspension for violation of these Terms, payments are not refundable.


If you have questions regarding this Terms of Use or about the Service practices, please contact us via our mail